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Linear Vibrate Screen

Linear Vibrate Screen

Linear vibrating screen has low energy consumption, high output, simple structure, easy maintenance, fully closed structure, dust-free, automatic nesting, more suitable for assembly line operation.

High yield

Long service life

Large processing capacity


30 t/h


Working Features

● Good tightness, little dust spills.

● Less energy consumption, low noise and long life screen.

● Screening of high precision, large capacity, simple structure.

● Completely closed structure, auto-nesting, more suitable for pipelining.

● Sieve body parts are made of rolling welded steel plate and profiles (part of ligand for the bolt connection), so the overall stiffness is good, solid and reliable.

Scope and Application

Linear vibrating screen is used to select and classify powder and granular materials, and is widely used in plastics, abrasives, chemicals, medicine, building materials, food, carbon, fertilizer and other industries.

Working Principle

★ Linear vibrating screen is used as a kind of vibration excitation by vibrating motor, so that the material will be thrown up and forward with linear motion.

★ The material from the feeder is evenly fed into the screening feeder mouth.

★ Through the multi-screen, it comes out several kinds of specifications of the material, which is respectively discharged from the outlet.


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